Sunday, December 04, 2005


Today we have Thanksgiving with my mom’s side! I met my cousin, Peyton’s, friend, Dawn. We played for hours on the bouncy blow-up structure next door. We played “red rover”, “Mr. Fox”, and “red light, green light” until my oldest cousin Tanner started attacking us. Then, we went to see “The Polar Express” inside, while preparations for dinner were being made. My mom’s parents, Grandma Cela and Grandpa Ned Jolly, arrived from Payson, where they live in a cabin, two nights ago. Grandma is helping cook the mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, oyster stuffing, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy, and, as is traditional in our family, turkey.

Grandma and Grandpa Jolly are taking us up to Payson for a day to share their home with us, then to Walnut Canyon, and the Grand Canyon.


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